Friday, June 22, 2012

It has been awhile since I have been on her to blog.  School is out and I been so busy with the 4 boys.  And  started a little project in April and it has gotten bigger than i thought but money to put away for us to go to China. We are almost there to start the paper work we have to be married for 5 years and in May we will be.  But Holt says we can start a few mouth ahead of time.  What has me worried is our income level for those of you that have adopted you know what I mean. Here is what I been doing in my little bit of free time you can visit here
I Know i may be jumping the line but if it does not work out then i can use this money to help someone else out.  Its Gods plan and we have gotten of the path but he seems to get us right back on. So in my mind and heart i Know this is what we are suppose to be doing.