Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ryan Christmas Band Program

Ryan's Christmas Band Program and also is his Birthday.  Happy Birthday Ryan!


For some reason i can not get the video to load so i will try later

And he invited his girlfriend Emily to come watch him play.
He did a great job!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Twelve days of Christmas Cookies

Twelve days of Christmas Cookies.  I'm giving it a try this year and make a cookie/treat one a day.  So I'm not so stressed out on getting them done.  I will have to do a few in a day so I can have it all done by the 21st.  So I will share with you as I go so come back and check out each day what I have made.

12 Days Of Christmas Cookies - I had a jar of cookie mix that was given to me as a gift and it has just been sitting in the cupboard (lately I have been using what I have at home so we save at the store) so I decided to mix it up and give it a go.  It was called Cowboy Cookies.

11 Days Of Christmas Cookies-

10 Days Of Christmas Cookies- I saw this on my Facebook shared by a friend I have there- Danette's Molasses Cookies  
These were so good i done 2 batches. Thank you Shelly for sharing!  Okay have something funny to share.  As Patrick and I make the 2nd batch he says mom its not morsels its molasses.  Me huh? Yep I messed it up I put morsels in instead of molasses.  I do get somethings back-words i don't know why i did on this one.  So just to let you know they still tasted good.  I put white morsels in and dipped in chocolate.  So when Patrick and I was make the new batch he still want to put the morsels in.  So we have added a NEW recipe into our books.

 The one on your left is the one with molasses in it (and with the white chips also).  The one on the right is no molasses and has white chips in it.

 9 Days Of Christmas Cookies- Buckeye Candy 
For the Buckeyes I covered it all with the white and chocolate almond bark.  And I made Cookie Balls 
I used a package of the Oreo mint winter cookies.  Also i did not have the whipped cream cheese you can make it yourself it will save you some money and if you were like me another trip to the store.  This all you need is a package of cream cheese and a 1 Tsp of milk and whip with a mixer.


They don't look to pretty for what ever reason when I added the green food coloring to the almond bark it kept turning into like frosting. 

all rolled up and ready for dipping
they look better when they are all dry
8 Days of Christmas Cookies- Red Velvet Sandwich Cookies

7 Days of Christmas Cookies-

6 Days Of Christmas Cookies- Peanut Butter Bites

I got this from my sister this is on of my favorites:
1 pk of Butterscotch chips
1 pk of chocolate chips
1/2 cup of chunky peanut butter
melt in microwave then add
1 cup of pringles (sour cream and onion)
1 cup of crushed honey roasted peanuts

Homemade Butterfingers
Cherry Mash- Recipe on the back of the cherry chip bag
Cookies with the winter chips
Fudge- First time I have ever made it the recipe is on the can of the milk
Reindeer and Santa Cookies made out of Nutter butters we made extra for Conner to take to school for his class party.


 Boys helping me with making the wreaths

You have your oven set at 275 lay out your circle pretzels on a cookie sheet and then unwrap you Hershey Kissie's and put them in center.  Put them in the oven for about 3 mins(do not leave) just enough time for the chocolate to melt.  If you leave it in more than that the chocolate gets all hard and taste burnt.  Then you pull them out and put your M&M in the center.  Put them in the fridge to set up and then they are ready to eat.   

Friday, December 14, 2012

2nd and 3rd grade class Fundraiser

The 2nd and 3rd graders did a Little Caesars Pizza Fundraiser for there class to go to Lincoln in March.  So there were trying to raise the money for the gas in the bus.  We went to the school today to help unload and sort.

#1 pallet and there were two just like this

All sorted and ready to put in the piles with the kids names on it

Conner was the top seller he sold 580.00 in pizza sales.  The whole total in sales is 6,457.00 for the 2nd and 3rd graders.  They profited 1,830.00 for there field trip and will have extra.  They all did a great job.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The 3 younger boys Christmas Program

The 3 younger Boys Jazzy Christmas Program.  

Daylon and Conner
Conner and his teacher Mrs. Shaw
Patrick class

For what ever reason the videos will not load so I will try later

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in our home.  Take a look for yourself.

 Red fiber optic tree it looks so pretty with the lights off
 We decorated our tree tonight Randy went and picked it up.  Last week we picked it out.  We like it when it is flocked.  It helps with me being so allergic to the tree.  We learned that last year when we did not have it flocked.  We have been getting our Real tree from a local place here in town called The Perfect Tree  for the last 3 years.  We still like our first tree we picked out it was PINK yes my boys let me get a pink tree and  they liked it as much as I did.
After with the lights off.  It is flocked white and we have pink LED lights on it.
last year

year before this is the one we all loved

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Okay in November we got a big envelop in the mail.  I looked to see who it was from and it was from the Department of Health and Human Services.  I opened it thinking what and the heck could it be?  I pull it out and it is ALL the papers I need to fill out to become a foster/adopt parent.  To me this is weird because one it came from the local office. (I asked for the papers last year and they would not give them to me)  Two they said I could get my licenses but they would not place children with me.  This goes back to what happened last year Thanksgiving.  Third we so thought that door was so closed that we had made up our mind and we were going to go with Holt and adopt from China.(still going to)  I looked at Randy and said well what would it hurt we have been told no before.  So we set down and started to fill out all the forms.  Today we done the last one is were we had to go to the doctors for blood pressure and pee text.  I went to Staples made copies and off to the Mail box and slipped it in.  Now we will wait and see what happens in the mean time I will be going through the boys room and re-ranging.  And anywhere else that may need a little tidying up.  I needed to do that any ways before Christmas.  So we wait............