Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Okay in November we got a big envelop in the mail.  I looked to see who it was from and it was from the Department of Health and Human Services.  I opened it thinking what and the heck could it be?  I pull it out and it is ALL the papers I need to fill out to become a foster/adopt parent.  To me this is weird because one it came from the local office. (I asked for the papers last year and they would not give them to me)  Two they said I could get my licenses but they would not place children with me.  This goes back to what happened last year Thanksgiving.  Third we so thought that door was so closed that we had made up our mind and we were going to go with Holt and adopt from China.(still going to)  I looked at Randy and said well what would it hurt we have been told no before.  So we set down and started to fill out all the forms.  Today we done the last one is were we had to go to the doctors for blood pressure and pee text.  I went to Staples made copies and off to the Mail box and slipped it in.  Now we will wait and see what happens in the mean time I will be going through the boys room and re-ranging.  And anywhere else that may need a little tidying up.  I needed to do that any ways before Christmas.  So we wait............

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