Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Another Snow Day!

Today is another Snow Day so I'm gong to use this day to post some highlights on what has been going on.  So you will be seeing some new post.  All boys are doing great in school.  We have paid the lawyer the rest of the fees so we can move forward with the 3 boys adoption.  Well for Randy to adopt them and we all can be the WEEKLY FAMILY.  Like we are not already but this makes it official and no on can do anything about that.  We have decided to take a break on the other Adoption journey for the time being.(China)  It breaks my heart to wait but we have waited this long we have some things to figure out or things that worry me.  So when we get back from vacation we will hopefully get back on track.  We have not reached many of the Goals we had set so we could adopt from china that is the main worry MONEY the Money we bring in is not enough.  Now that we will be reaching our 5 years of being married mine 2 that is what the hole up was at first.  Now the money I know people say if you are meant to adopt the money will come but our problem is well we would be classified as middle class on our income maybe low income.  So when we get back in June we will move forward and see were GOD leads us.  Daylon is still having medical issues  we go back to Omaha in May so hope there could be some answers then.  Just been busy, frustrated, busy and that is why I have not posted much.  I'm still here and I do read the other blog's I follow.  Hope everyone is well.

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