Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Patrick had his Blue and Gold Banquet tonight.  Patrick got his badges from Cub Scouts that he earned.  And he bridged over to Boy Scouts.  So now he is in Ryan group.  Now both boys will be on the same night.

I had a video to add but it will not load i will try later:

My husband is so amazing. I was looking for my notebook that I put my menu plan in and write what I need.  On the next page were I need to write I found this:

"Sometimes in life things seem to go every way but RIGHT.  Life goes a little crazy. Things go WRONG.  Good people have bad things happened to them.  Life seems to spiral out of control, then someone  throws you a life line and give you HOPE again.  You don't want a hand out but some of us are looking for a hand up just help to our feet AGAIN.- We have forgotten that we don't have to be Great to start but we do have to start TO BE GREAT" bye Randy Weekly
I have been doing better at meal planning and not going to the store to pick up stuff that night for dinner.  Using what I have at home before I buy.  I'm a little over the top about keeping the frig, cub bards, freezers FULL.  I have 3 the one with the frig a stand by I like those better you can put more in and 2 outside in the shed a chest freezer and and a stand upright one.  I have been to the store a few times the only reason was to pick up fresh fruit or veggies or maybe missing one ingredient for what I was going to be making.  Here is what my pantry looks like i took this a few days ago.  It was worse than that I have been using what has been in there for the last 2 mouth if that gives you any clue on how much I had packed in there. LOL

Meal planned for this week:
Monday- Spaghetti with cottage cheese, bread
Tue- Blue and Gold banquette Daylon and I will find something to eat here since he can not be around people.
Wed- Stuffed chicken Breast with veggie
Thur- Pork Chops with Apple Stuffing
Fri- Tacos

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Daylon staying home with mom

Last night I noticed that Daylon had a Rash on his face so we gave him some allergy meds(thinking he ate something he was allergic to) and sent him to bed he got up in the morning and oh my it was 10 times worse so I kept him home and took him to the Dr and well I'm glad I did keep him home he is contagions tell the rash goes away it can be 7-10days or more before he can go back to school. Kids can get it and pregnant women are also at risk I just hope he does not reach his 20 days he has been home for medical reasons.
And it has move to all over his body.  Poor little guy
Its called Fifths (Fifth disease is a viral illness caused by parvovirus B19. Fifth disease is also known as "erythema infectiosum" and "slapped cheek disease." The clinical illness was described in the 1880s and was named fifth disease because of its position in the numerical classification of childhood illnesses associated with rashes (exanthems). Other numbered diseases included measles, scarlet fever, and rubella—and these did not get renamed until the molecular era, when it became possible to isolate viruses and bacteria. Fifth disease was number five of six diseases named. It is a very common infection, and almost 50% of adults have been infected with the virus but do not remember having it because it often does not cause symptoms.)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Last  week menu what I can remember not in order:
Chili Frito Pie and added little smokes to be different
Thursday- Special Dinner Out (Conner B day)
Sunday- Conner special meal at home late because I got sick late Thursday night
Biscuits and Sausage Gravy and Recess Peanut Butter Pie

I fix a special meal for the kids on there Bday or around what ever they want and it can take me all day to fix. Its up to them and he choose that.  Everyone likes it we don't have it much.

This week Menu:
Feb 20-24
Monday- We cheated we had Taco Johns I was not feeling very well. And what I planed to have my husband is not so great on cooking unless its cooking out side or going to go pick something up for us.
Tues- Chicken Alfredo with broccoli and garlic bread well Ranch bread you put butter on and then a package of ranch seasoning and put it in the over for about 5-8 mins.
Wed- Fish and Mac- N- Cheese
Thurs- Crock pot Lasagna (got this from a friend on Facebook thanks Bea)
Friday- Chicken fajita
Saturday- what ever is leftover (this must go)
I remember us kids asking out foster mom what are we having for dinner. And she would respond bye opening the frig thismustgo thismustgo.

This one works now
(I dont know how to get this link to work when I know how at a later date i will correct it but i put it below)

Crockin' Lasagna
2 lbs. fully cooked ground hamburger meat
2 jars favorite marinara sauce
1 box uncooked lasagna noodles
2 lb. tub ricotta cheese
1 cup mozzarella cheese
1 egg, beaten
Italian seasoning to taste
Fresh baby spinach

  1. Cooking spray Brown hamburger meat and add marinara sauce.
  2. Let simmer for 20 minutes. (You can also make your own marinara sauce)
  3. While simmering, in a bowl combine your ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese, and egg, Italian seasoning to taste and mix well.
  4. Spray the crock with cooking spray, and start your layers of 1) meat sauce 2) uncooked lasagna noodles 3) ricotta cheese mixture 4) spinach.
  5. Repeat layers one more time.
  6. Top with remaining meat sauce and cheese.
  7. Cook on low for three hours, any longer will overcook the noodles!
Happy Crockin' Y'all!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Conner(Feb 16th)

Happy7th Birthday Conner
We took Conner to his favorite place to eat for dinner

Conner was waiting for the best part

Conner B-Day gift from his mom and dad
Randy and I also took cupcake to his class

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Everyone handing out there valentines
I got to go to little man class to take treats.  It was my turn to do something for his class.  So I made homemade peanut-butter cookies and put a chocolate heart in the middle.
This is the game that one of the other parent came up with is put the kids in groups and have them line up and each kid had to take 5 heart candy's out.  And each student had to do this.  She used hand tools like paint brushes and i don't know what else she used.  She did say that the game did say to use chopsticks.
Conner (the craft they made)
I was going to take a pic of all my Valentines together but I forgot.  I do love all my boys and they are all special to me.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Troop 293

Today was the annual Troop 293 Soup and Pie Dinner.  Ryan is in this group and Patrick will soon be.

Ryan serving when we showed up
Look at all that pie to choose from
Potato soup and blueberry cheese cake
My sister even came and she had to have every drop of it lol 
My sister husband and his mother even came
Conner and Daylon enjoying there 2nd piece of pie
I have been so busy this week.  We took Daylon to children hospital to see what was going on with him.  They done a lot of blood work, x-rays and poo samples.  The next day we had answers he was so back up the poo was on his wall inside and she said it was one of the worst she has seen.  So on Friday they called in some meds for him to drink to clean his system out and then have this meds 2 times a day so it makes it easier for him to go to the R.R.  He is doing better but he is still in pain.  I will find out what they want me to do next on Monday. 

This weeks menus for Dinner not in order I had to switch things up a bit it helps knowing what to fix and how long you need to fix it.  This also helps for the diet plan because then you are not walking in the store to choose the food that night so this help with planning so not to much junk.

Stuffed Chicken Breast, Broccoli and cal-flower with cheese
Spicy Cheese Burger Pizza
Crock-pot Lazana,cottage cheese, salad, garlic bread - one of my friends on Face book posed this receipt and we love it

This was Thursday night the night we left to go to Omaha (feb9th) 
My sister and her husband also ate.  They loved it also

Meatloaf- (New) it had selontro, green onions, and garlic and herb crackers,fried  potatoes no oil, cheese bread
Turkey and Cheese Sandwiches
The boys eat at school for breakfast and lunch.  And on weekends we eat leftovers or what ever i can find in the freezer.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

For this last week menus wed-sunday this is what i can remember:
Wed-starry night taco cup, cinnamon apple tarts
Thurs- bagel pizza
Friday- Enchilada's (New) I have made them before but found a new way to make it was very good

Saterday- leftovers lunch, bannana pancakes (yum) dinner
Sunday- leftover Enchiladas lunch, Dinner Little Smokey's in BBQ sauce and Mac and cheese

This is what I remember now I have to make a menu for this week.  We will be going out of town on wed night we will leave when I get all the boys to bed so it will be after 8 pm.  Daylon is going to Children Hospital in Omaha.  He has been having problems with his poo so we are going there.  We hope they can give us answers.  My sister will be staying with the other boys.

It will not let me add to the other post so i will just do  this.  I must be tired.  Randy has been gone all weekend.  So it has been just me and the kids.  And i have not been able to sleep so well.  On the Superbowl Patrick team that he was couching on they did WIN.


I'm not a football fan really.  But my son played football this year for the first time and now he loves football.  He is sitting here on the couch screaming at the T.V. He wants the Giants to win I say the other team will win.