Thursday, February 23, 2012

Daylon staying home with mom

Last night I noticed that Daylon had a Rash on his face so we gave him some allergy meds(thinking he ate something he was allergic to) and sent him to bed he got up in the morning and oh my it was 10 times worse so I kept him home and took him to the Dr and well I'm glad I did keep him home he is contagions tell the rash goes away it can be 7-10days or more before he can go back to school. Kids can get it and pregnant women are also at risk I just hope he does not reach his 20 days he has been home for medical reasons.
And it has move to all over his body.  Poor little guy
Its called Fifths (Fifth disease is a viral illness caused by parvovirus B19. Fifth disease is also known as "erythema infectiosum" and "slapped cheek disease." The clinical illness was described in the 1880s and was named fifth disease because of its position in the numerical classification of childhood illnesses associated with rashes (exanthems). Other numbered diseases included measles, scarlet fever, and rubella—and these did not get renamed until the molecular era, when it became possible to isolate viruses and bacteria. Fifth disease was number five of six diseases named. It is a very common infection, and almost 50% of adults have been infected with the virus but do not remember having it because it often does not cause symptoms.)

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