Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Saturday the 18th My hubby and I went to Denver for a business meeting.  We stayed a extra day so we could go to the Mile High Flea Market there.  So I could look for some new sock.(https://www.facebook.com/chunkysockmonkeys)  The boys stayed with Randy's mom and dad while we were gone and the boys helped with taking care of the pets.
Denver this is just some of our group there were like 800+ people there

We had some fun it was so nice to just get away just the 2 of us we do not do that often.  We have set some goals for our self's. Not in any order

1. We will read 10 pages every day and listen to audio for 15 min every day.
2. Be current with all bills starting with the house payment.(not to have it arrive late)
3. Will have the 3 boys adoption complete by Dec 15th
4. We will start our china adoption process March 1 2013
5. Keep to a meal plan so it doesn't lead to buying extra food at the store.
6. To be debit free in one year - the house loan.
7. Have the main bathroom done by Nov 26 2012 ( needs to have new tile floor, new bathtub, new paint coat)
8. To go on a little trip with the boys.

This is all new for Randy and I to have goals and have them wrote down so we can see where we have started and ended. 

I have been busy with the boys running here and there.  The 2 older boys are in football and I have to drive 60 (that is there and back not one way) miles on Tues, Wed, and Thur to pick them up after practice.  Patrick got approved for him to have his braces on so we are getting them done on Monday the 27th.  And my little mans teacher called today to let me know he could not see the board when he was seated in the back and she moved him to the front but he seems to be having problems still. I set him up appointment to go in and see what is going on he may need to get classes also. I have been sticking with my meal plan i have had to rearrange a few meals because they didn't fit were i had them with the long days of Football.

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