Sunday, October 7, 2012

So busy

There has been a lot going on at our house.  Running here and there.  I was looking back on what has been going on and I realize every Monday for the last 3 weeks.  I have taken a kid into the ER because there were not feeling well.  The first one was Patrick with a concussion.  Second Daylon with strep throat.  And again Patrick with strep throat.  And I just has Patrick to the Doctor on that Friday for a check up on his concussion also not feeling well  and I told the doctor that.  I think he missed that part.   He did check his throat and ears and all the stuff that goes with it.  We were more worried about his concussion.  I guess.  Well by Monday night it was out of control he couldn't breath that is how infected his throat was.  I felt so bad for him.  He is doing much better now.  He has not been re-least to go back to playing football.  He was so upset about that and the doctor explained it to him on why it was not best.  So the doctor is the bad guy now not mom as much.  Monday Oct 1st Ryan had a football game at 4:30 it was in Brady.  And Daylon had a program at 7 The Country Hoe down in Stapleton.  He had to be there by 6:45.  So I rushed to see Ryan first half of the game rushed home. Randy had all the kids picked up from the bus they had eaten and waiting for me in another car so we can hurry and drive 25 miles.  We made it in time.  It has been a busy week for sure.  Friday we had Parent teacher conferences.  All the kids are doing great.  Football will be over soon.  Monday is Ryan last game and he is begging for me to let him do wrestling.  I have not decided yet.  I told them all to pick on sport and that was all I was going to do with all the driving and all.  His coach thinks it will be good for him.  I laugh when he told me that.  I said it "maybe good for you but is not good for my pocket".  So we will see.  I don't want to ever discourage my kid on doing something.  

Here are a few photos of Ryan's game on Oct 1st.  I did not get many of them because I was to busy watching the game.  And i had to leave early :(

And here are a few of Daylon Country Hoe Down

 The kids got to choose who they wanted to teach the dance to.   Grandma came so when Daylon came over to me.  I said Daylon choice grandma.  Daylon pick grandma. I do not know my left foot from my right foot.:)

 This dad at the beginning is a friend and the son is a friend of Daylon's

Grandma is in the red shirt

Tanner and Daylon

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