Friday, January 11, 2013

Tough week

It has been a tough week starting from Sunday night when I checked the mail I got a letter stating we can not become FP.  And explained well I don't know about explain but there reasoning why.  I don't understand it.   I aslo contacted another place that does FC.  And I got the news today also cant be a FP.  I don't know were this leads us.  Maybe back to were we were lead from the begging.  Or what we do about what has happened.  I think we will start with our Home study by a private source.  And go from there see what they say.  We have contacted Holt before on this matter when it happened and they said not to worry that they have people that sniff out that kinda stuff and get to the bottom of it.  We will see were GOD leads us.  Maybe it was meant to be.         

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