Monday, March 19, 2012


There is nothing you can do to prevent this.  I rather have a snow storm or something.
This is the path it took from up above
We were out for dinner with Randy's family.  And the sirens were blaring.  Randy was stopping at all the red lights.  I told him to just look and then go.  If the cop wanted to pull you over then let them.  I think that they would understand that we were trying to get to shelter.  We needed to get home.   As we turned down the street were our home is, going north the lightning showed the clouds.  I about peed my pants.  I said to Randy there is one its going to touch.  He was a little more calmer than me we hurried and got home.  Got the boys in the house and got them into our closet.  (Oh man I need to clean it out so there is more room.)

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